1 | A ship docked in harbour cannot face the storms |
2 | Advertisement is wasteful expenditure |
3 | Advertising is a diplomatic way of telling a lie |
4 | Age and Youth: Experience and Young Talent |
5 | All Work and No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy |
6 | America's war on Iraq |
7 | Are women are better parents than men |
8 | Are women as good as men |
9 | Are women managers better managers |
10 | Balance between Professionalism and Family |
11 | Banning fashion shows and New Year parties |
12 | Banning of tobacco and alcohol advertisement. |
13 | BCCI - Board or Business House |
14 | Beauty contests degrade womanhood |
15 | Beauty pageants are a marketing gimmick |
16 | Bihar after Laloo |
17 | Black is beautiful |
18 | BPO s in INDIA |
19 | Bullet For Bullet |
20 | Business is a war |
21 | Capital punishment should be abolished |
22 | Capitalism is a very flawed system |
23 | Celebrity endorsement – a boon or a bane |
24 | Classical music heritage and the growing pop- culture |
25 | Cloning should be banned |
26 | Cold drinks advertisement by celebrity |
27 | Consumerism is destroying the social fabric of Indian culture |
28 | Conventionalism and Modernity |
29 | Corruption is the price we pay for democracy |
30 | cricket is harming the development of other sports |
31 | Democracy is hampering India progress |
32 | Desire is the root of the all suffering |
33 | Developing countries need trade |
34 | Developing countries should spend more on development |
35 | Discuss about Indian population |
36 | Discuss on dowry system |
37 | Discuss unemployment |
38 | Disinvestment - Would it go through this year |
39 | Divorce and remarriage should be encouraged |
40 | Do beautiful people live better lives |
41 | Do Beauty and Brains Go together |
42 | Do children learn more quickly than adults |
43 | Doctors accountability to improve Health-Care |
44 | Does Beauty and Brains go together |
45 | Does ghost exist? |
46 | Does the formal dress code necessary |
47 | Dot com or doubt com? |
48 | Early marriages are more convenient |
49 | East is East & West is where all the action is |
50 | Effect of cinema on Youth |
51 | Effect of liberalization on poverty |
52 | Election in India should restrict voting only to the literate |
53 | Electric media is more beneficial than print media |
54 | Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion |
55 | Euthanasia should be banned |
56 | Every cloud has a silver lining |
57 | Every thing happens for our own good. |
58 | Everyone is basically selfish |
59 | Everything that has a beginning has an end |
60 | Family owned business vs. professionally run business |
61 | Film awards are farce |
62 | Film stars entering in politics |
63 | Films are corrupting the Indian Youth |
64 | Food is first ethics are next |
65 | Food, shelter and Mobile. The new paradigm |
66 | Foreign televison channels destroying our culture |
67 | Foreign trade is necessary for any country to survive |
68 | Foreign trade is necessary for any country to survive |
69 | Formulate the government's health policy to control |
70 | Free market is a prerequisite for growth |
71 | Future of BPO s and KPO s |
72 | Future of low cost airline |
73 | Ganguly vs. Chappell . Is the conflict justified |
74 | Global terrorism |
75 | Globalization in India |
76 | Government should clean its own hands before pointing |
77 | Growing Menace of Casteism and Regionalism |
78 | Hardworking or Smart working |
79 | Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India |
80 | Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India? |
81 | Higher education should be made possible only |
82 | How appropriate is the Reservation policy in India |
83 | How do television picture affect our behavior |
84 | How safe to work in Call centers at night for girls |
85 | How to deal with high oil prices |
86 | How will you motivate terrorist to spare the innocent |
87 | If I was the Finance Minister |
88 | If I was the Prime Minister |
89 | Illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in India |
90 | Impact of globalization or westernization on Indian culture |
91 | India after independence |
92 | India is resource rich but technologically poor |
93 | India is rich country of poor people |
94 | India needs Gujral Doctrine for better international relations |
95 | India shining. Reality or myth |
96 | India should go for the presidential form of democracy |
97 | India should go for the presidential form of democracy |
98 | India spends too much on defence |
99 | India towards westernization or modernization |
100 | India’s vote on against Iraq |
101 | Indian Cricket team shouldn't be allowed to play abroad |
102 | Indian cultural values are getting eroded |
103 | Indians perform better as individuals rather than in groups |
104 | India's stand on Iran’s nuclear issue |
105 | Individual freedom and civil society |
106 | Inflation is inevitable in our developing country |
107 | Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life |
108 | Is China better than India in software |
109 | Is dependence on computers a good thing |
110 | Is divorce a necessary evil? |
111 | Is God male? |
112 | Is god man or woman |
113 | Is governor necessary for states |
114 | Is India developing or neglecting |
115 | Is India ready for commonwealth 2010 |
116 | Is it necessary to ban COCO-COLA |
117 | Is it necessary to change the name of our well known cities |
118 | Is male and female equal in all aspects |
119 | Is management art or a science |
120 | Is politics barrier in career |
121 | Is quota necessary now |
122 | Is remixing good trend in music |
123 | Is Russia using its oil for blackmail |
124 | Is Swadeshi relevant for India today |
125 | Is the business of business only business |
126 | Is the consumer really the king in India |
127 | Is the consumer really the king in India |
128 | Is the Indian foreign policy adequate |
129 | Is the usage of sap in Indian companies worthy |
130 | IT is creating a digital divide in society |
131 | Job opportunities high in India or foreign |
132 | Joint family is a blessing in disguise |
133 | KBC less about knowledge more about money |
134 | Knowledge with out character is not worthy |
135 | Left is Right |
136 | Life is beautiful |
137 | Life of Albert Einstein |
138 | Life of Amartya sen |
139 | Life of Bill Gates |
140 | Life of Mahatma Gandhi |
141 | Life of Mother Teresa |
142 | Life of Swami Vivekananda |
143 | Listening is as important as speaking |
144 | Love Marriages or Arrange Marriages |
145 | Luck does not make a person successful or unsuccessful |
146 | Man is controlling over machine |
147 | Management education is must for success in life |
148 | Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match |
149 | Managing Your Study Time |
150 | Marriage is a social trap |
151 | MBA in India is highly overrated |
152 | MBAs are useful in the manufacturing department |
153 | MBAs are useful in the production department |
154 | Media - Too much of a free hand |
155 | Media and Privacy |
156 | Mobile phones in colleges |
157 | Money is required to earn more money |
158 | Money is required to earn more money |
159 | Moral Policing |
160 | Morality of the movies in today’s scenario |
161 | Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise |
162 | ndians are excellent individual workers but poor team workers |
163 | never judge a person by external appearances |
164 | Nice Guys Finish Last |
165 | Nuclear war cannot be won and should not be fought |
166 | Our political system is not a reason for our backwardness |
167 | Parallel courts like shariyat are necessary |
168 | Parliaments are a waste of public money |
169 | Peace and non-violence are outdated concepts |
170 | Piracy in the field of computer and bollywood |
171 | Political parties have outlived their utility |
172 | Position of Women in India |
173 | Present state of Australia Cricket team |
174 | Present state of Indian Cricket team |
175 | protest against the bars located in a public place |
176 | Red is red, green is green |
177 | Reliance Split |
178 | Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern |
179 | Religion should not be mixed with politics |
180 | Reservation of women in parliament should be there |
181 | Reservations in IIT s |
182 | Resurrection of BJP |
183 | Rise of sensex on Indian economy |
184 | Role and future of banking and insurance sector |
185 | Role of opposition in democracy |
186 | Role of parliament in budget making |
187 | rowth in India confined to the growth in sensex |
188 | Sacred cows make the best burger |
189 | Satellite channels are creating cultural erosion |
190 | Science is a Boon or Bane |
191 | Secularism has become a tool to justify the wrongs |
192 | Security Cameras and Privacy |
193 | Sensex - Hype or Real |
194 | Sensex's Bull Run |
195 | Should all Indian cricketers be treated like Ganguly |
196 | Should dangerous sports be banned |
197 | Should human cloning be permitted |
198 | Should India and Pakistan be united to a nationShould India and Pakistan be united to a nation |
199 | Should India go to war with Pakistan |
200 | Should India join unsc without the power of veto |
201 | Should India sign the CTBT? |
202 | Should managers be good technical personal? |
203 | Should mercy killing be made legal |
204 | Should phone tapping be banned |
205 | Should sania mirza wear mini skirts on court |
206 | Should smoking be banned completely |
207 | Should smoking be banned in movies |
208 | Should sting operations be really carried out |
209 | Should students join Indian Politics |
210 | Should tainted ministers allowed to fight elections |
211 | Should the censor board be abolished |
212 | Should the public sector be privatized |
213 | Should there be reservation for private jobs |
214 | Should there be reservation for private jobs? |
215 | Should trade unions be allowed in it sector |
216 | Should we ban the celebration of Valentines Day |
217 | Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan |
218 | Should Youth indulge in politics |
219 | Showing Violence and Crimes in movies |
220 | Smaller states lead to better governance |
221 | Sonia Gandhi’s resignation |
222 | start ups have more scope for professional |
223 | State interventions in market kind or mixed economy |
224 | Strength and weakness of bollywood |
225 | Success is due only hard work |
226 | Television viewing has taken away the reading habit |
227 | Testing of products on animals |
228 | The Internet is an exercise in hype |
229 | The Malthusian Economic prediction is no longer relevant |
230 | The objective of Management is to maximize profits |
231 | The one who loses is the real winner |
232 | The rush for MBA is really a rush for big money |
233 | The us's control over the internet |
234 | The wheel is turning round and round |
235 | There can never be a classless society |
236 | There is no right way to do a wrong thing |
237 | To grow in business you need not be dishonest |
238 | TRIPS Controversy |
239 | Universal Disarmament is a must |
240 | UN's peace activities |
241 | Up the Down Staircase |
242 | US a threat to global economy or a good political power |
243 | US economy headed the Japanese economy way |
244 | Voters are responsible for the criminalization of politics |
245 | Voting rights to illiterates in India is illogical |
246 | Water: The cause for 3rd world war |
247 | We must have only two national parties to contest |
248 | What is bpo contribution in India’s gdp |
249 | What is the success mantra |
250 | What should be the form of penalty for corrupt politicians |
251 | What will be most challenging thing for mankind |
252 | When I woke up in the morning I saw |
253 | Where is great Indian family headed |
254 | Whether we should change national game of India |
255 | Who is happy married or unmarried |
256 | Who is the best pm of India |
257 | Why can’t we be world players in industry |
258 | Why do we lag behind China |
259 | Why ganguly has been dismissed |
260 | Why Santa clause is old |
261 | Will India become a superpower in 25 years? |
262 | Will India’s gdp growth rate hit 10% |
263 | Will Quota Affects Quality |
264 | Women are not fit for DEFENCE |
265 | Women cannot successfully combine both career and home |
266 | Women power is more aggressive than men |
267 | Women should have equal rights like men |
268 | Women’s empowerment will lead to social development |
269 | Work smarter, not just harder |
270 | WTO trade agreement - Effect on textiles |
271 | Yellow journalism |